Jess and I have loved the first few months of marriage together. We especially love living in our little cabin at Camp Elim, in Colorado. Lately, we have thought about extending our little family. We would LOVE to get a dog.
Jess had a dog that lives with his parents named Mo-mo. He LOVES this dog. I grew up with golden retrievers. My mom and dad would breed our dogs almost every springtime. It was such a fun treat to grow up with puppies all the time. This being said, with such a dog background we always talk about getting a dog.
If we could have our pick, we would get a chocolate or black lab and name him Kinnick. Of course, we love the Hawkeyes, so we would need to name our dog with a Hawkeye themed name. I mean we had a black and gold wedding, it seems like we are committed to this theme now J Also, since we are slightly committed to this theme I would much prefer to names our animals with a Hawkeye theme instead of our children. Kinnick is the name of the football stadium for the Hawkeyes.
The main reason we haven’t gotten a dog at this point is, well, where would we put him? We love our cabin… but it is small. I mean 15x15 approximately and some of that space is a bathroom. We can’t have it outside because we have a little problem called BEARS.
So, with such a pressing desire to have a dog, but knowing it just wouldn’t be a wise choice at this point, we spend a lot of time “ooh”ing and “ah”ing at puppies we meet and see on T.V. Jess is a little more vocal about this desire to have a dog, so I had him watch the movie “Marley and Me”
We loved the movie, especially the parts at the beginning with Marley as a puppy. We also did realize through this movie that a dog would be a TON of responsibility. We do want one, but with the size of our home and then watching this movie our yearning for a dog has been settled for the time being. We may resort to getting a fish.
But, we turned on our T.V. last week and the movie “Homeward Bound” was on the Disney channel. There was only about half of the movie left and I sheepishly asked Jess if we could watch it. (I was slightly embarrassed for wanting to watch a Disney movie with no children present) But, his face lit up when I asked. We spent the rest of the night watching the movie and surprisingly- we could quote the majority of it. We caught ourselves quoting the movie to each other Saturday night before we went to bed.
“Don’t be a sissy, Sassy!”
“Home is just over those mountains.”