Hey everybody,
Everything is still going really great here. If you got our newsletter, that's awesome and if you didn't, let us know and we'll put you on our mailing list.
If some of you didn't know Celsey has been looking for a job, and Praise the Lord just a few days ago she got a call and accepted a job at CSCS (Colorado Springs Christian School) in Woodland Park. The main campus is in the springs but there is also a K-8th school in Woodland Park only 6 miles from the camp. The job is part time, which is better then nothing and she is starting as an Office Assistant/Health Aid. She works a few hours in the morning and then has a little break then another hour or so in the afternoon. Celsey may look for some more hours at another job that fits with the CSCS job.But, it is a huge answer to prayer and once again when we started to get stressed out about Celsey getting a job, God provided. She will start next Monday after thanksgiving break, and is very excited to have a job.
We are looking forward for thanksgiving and spending time with some friends...and of course my favorite things to do on thanksgiving....eating...and football. It will be sad to be away from our fam over thanksgiving, but we get to see them very soon, only 3 more weeks. If some of you may not know, my uncle rod passed away last Wednesday and it has been very hard on my dad, my aunt and my grandma. So please pray for them, as far as we know Rod never made a declaration to be a Christian which obviously makes this whole thing harder on everyone.
Me and my wifey have been enjoying everything here at Camp and have been enjoying our new home. Someone saw some pictures of our cabin on our facebook and asked my mother why there were so many pictures of our bed... I guess she didn't know, but that's all that there really is. Of course, the bed is quite nice. But it really is great and homey. A very nice one room suite which is all we need at the time...until the kidos come...but they're not coming....yet. I better stop before a rumor get's started. But seriously, we are not planning or trying to have kids at this point, but if the Lord wants, we're on board and know that He definitely is in control of that.
It has been a great week and have really been humbled in a lot of areas. I've been going through some books that I'm also going through with some guys from staff and have seen some great things and also things that i don't like to see. I need to rely more on the Lord and trust Him through everything because I am not God, and God should not be a hobby of mine. It seems I've pushed Him to the side many times over my own desires, and maybe you all know what I'm talking about. This past Thursday we had a weekly staff meeting and we're going through the book, "The Adventure of Discipling Others" and especially this past week we talked about how God's word is the ultimate authority in our lives and in our discipling. I've almost always believed this, but of course easier said then done. I believe one main thing that our youth are missing, and not just youth, but also our churches, and leaders are also missing is the authority in scripture and rooting ourselves in the Word. Rooting ourselves in a way that shows us what we need to do and what to do better instead of God's Word being used as a reference tool in our thoughts and in our lifestyle. I wanted to end this blog with a quote I actually wrote up last week that really defines where the Word of God should be in our lives.
The Word of God is my foundation, not the icing on the cake, not the flour within, the plate which it sits on, or the table underneath. For God and His Word is my solid, deep, and firm foundation that I look at to change my actions, not encourage my comforts.
Help and pray for Celsey and I to live in a way that is based on God, instead of taking God's Word in vain. The Lord is my Foundation and my Rock . Thanks for reading the blog and keep on keepin on.
Jess & Celsey