So A lot has been going on recently and they have been great.
First off Celsey's family came out over Easter for a few days and it was so much fun doing a bunch of different touristy things that we haven't had the chance to do. We went to Focus on the family, Garden of the gods, Cheyenne mountain zoo, air force academy, flying w ranch, and of course....Smashburger. It was so much fun...and very tiring, but it was great to have them here and give them an opportunity to see where I work, and where we live.
Celsey right now has applied for classes and will start going back to school this summer and fall. She is very excited and nervous to go back to school. It was a hard decision for us because Celsey is still considered an out of state resident until next spring, 2011, which means school is going to cost almost 5 times as much. After praying about this, we feel that the high cost of tuition is not as important as Celsey finishing school. We are trusting God will provide so we don't have to add any more to our school debt.
On a final note, our last post was about Celsey sleep talking, so I wanted to end on that. Once again there is another chronicle to add on to her sleep talking. This past sunday morning my alarm was going off because I had to wake up to go to the chapel to do sound for the worship team that lead worship this past weekend during our Women's Retreat. Right after I shut off my alarm Celsey rolled over and said,"Apple, it's time to wake up." I didn't know what to say, so I just got up and started getting ready. Then while me and Celsey were walking down to the chapel after breakfest she asked me, "Did I call you apple this morning?" I then said, "Yep, why are you dreaming about apples?"
Needless to say it was a funny experience, and NO, you should not start calling me apple.
Thanks again everyone, love you all.
Jess & Celsey