Monday, June 21, 2010
No Potatoes
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The Napkin Game
They didn't just sit and listen to Jess and Mr. Leverentz, one of Jess' professors from Emmaus. (He was the evening speaker) They also did service tasks around the camp and played many games.
Below is a picture of one of the games Jess and Josh Polly, male staff supervisor, taught everyone to play "The napkin game." You should try it out. Get your components to unfold a napkin and put one corner in your mouth. Then, see who can get the whole napkin into their mouth the fastest without using your hands.
Not only is it a fun game to play, it's very amusing to watch as well. :)
Have a great day!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Dig Deep!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Hey Apple!?!?
So A lot has been going on recently and they have been great.
First off Celsey's family came out over Easter for a few days and it was so much fun doing a bunch of different touristy things that we haven't had the chance to do. We went to Focus on the family, Garden of the gods, Cheyenne mountain zoo, air force academy, flying w ranch, and of course....Smashburger. It was so much fun...and very tiring, but it was great to have them here and give them an opportunity to see where I work, and where we live.
Celsey right now has applied for classes and will start going back to school this summer and fall. She is very excited and nervous to go back to school. It was a hard decision for us because Celsey is still considered an out of state resident until next spring, 2011, which means school is going to cost almost 5 times as much. After praying about this, we feel that the high cost of tuition is not as important as Celsey finishing school. We are trusting God will provide so we don't have to add any more to our school debt.
On a final note, our last post was about Celsey sleep talking, so I wanted to end on that. Once again there is another chronicle to add on to her sleep talking. This past sunday morning my alarm was going off because I had to wake up to go to the chapel to do sound for the worship team that lead worship this past weekend during our Women's Retreat. Right after I shut off my alarm Celsey rolled over and said,"Apple, it's time to wake up." I didn't know what to say, so I just got up and started getting ready. Then while me and Celsey were walking down to the chapel after breakfest she asked me, "Did I call you apple this morning?" I then said, "Yep, why are you dreaming about apples?"
Needless to say it was a funny experience, and NO, you should not start calling me apple.
Thanks again everyone, love you all.
Jess & Celsey
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Had a great time back at Emmaus...we really miss everyone there...definitely don't miss doing papers and stressing over exams...but miss the place. We ended up taking 7 students to DEW and they enjoyed it a lot.
It was a great time and we were safe driving. It was raining pretty hard on our way home but that was nothing compared to the high winds. A big non-aerodynamic 12 passenger van is not the greatest when you are facing some crazy wind across the plains of Nebraska.
Other then that the drive was great...especially when everyone was sleeping...instead of yelling.
Well if some of you don't know Celsey has a little bit of a problem with sleep talking. I was told this when we were engaged but have absolutely loved messing with her when she starts doing it now.
For example a few weeks ago, we were in bed and Celsey was asleep while I was watching TV. All of a sudden Celsey said, "Yea, they were suppose to come by." I not missing a beat said, "Who was suppose to stop by honey?"
She went on to talk about two families that she works with at the school. Of course, I kept asking question after question. Somewhere along the line of our conversation Celsey woke up, but continued the conversation.
Finally she knew what I was doing and she annoyingly said, "Jess, I'm awake." Then I said, "Ok, then how did we get on this topic?" It then hit her as she shook her head....and I laughed.
Two nights ago it was the same situation. I was watching TV and Celsey rolled over and said, "Did you find it?" I was very confused, but then realized this was another opportunity to mess with her.
I then said, "No, I can't find it. Do you think it's in the drawer in your nightstand?" She then rolls over and turns on the light, then opens the drawer and begins to shuffle through it.
She finally says, "I can't find it. Sorry." Then turns the light off and lays down.
The next day I asked her if she remembered anything from the night before. She then explained to me that she woke up during the night and was looking in the drawer.
Let me just say that I love my wife...and I really love it when she talks in her sleep because I have started documenting it in a notebook I have next to our bed.
Check in next time to find out the latest on Celsey's sleep talking me there will be more...
Sunday, March 21, 2010
"Can you believe it...that was awesome!!!" Now that was the reaction I was looking for.
Although I am a die hard Iowa fan, I do like UNI, mainly because I've been there and gone to a few games when Kellie went to college there...on top of that, I still have a lot of UNI shirts from Birthdays and Christmas the years Kellie went there. I go for UNI unless they're playing Iowa...but Iowa State I just can't stand no matter who they are playing.
Celsey and I are headed to Emmaus this next week with a few students from Camp. It's going to be great. We have been talking about the stuff we are going to buy for the trip, that way we don't have to spend a lot of money at Gas stations. The list consists of Diet Coke (for me), Diet Mt. Dew (for Cels), trail mix, sandwiches, and of course my favorite Peanut Butter Twix. It's really weird that I only eat PB Twix when I'm on road trips but for some reason I can't get enough of them.
Pray that we have a safe travel and that the students will really learn a lot so they can figure out their future...whether that's going to emmaus or somewhere else.
Fun little that you know my favorite road trip food is Diet Coke and PB Twix, tell me what your favorite road trip food is. Thanks a lot and check in soon...
Jess & Celsey
Monday, March 15, 2010
The last few years I have noticed, as many of you have, that the less you know about college basketball...the better you do in the bracket challenge. I have prided myself many years because of the hours I have spent on ESPN and watching "Bracketology" and how the experts think it will pan out....but why is it that the person who usually wins the pool that I'm in is always someone who doesn't even know who Dick Vitale is, the person who coined the phrase, "It's awesome baby!!!"
Just yesterday, Dick was on television and Celsey said, "who is that guy, his voice is weird?" I about flipped and responded, "That's Dick, ya know Dick Vitale the famous college sports announcer."
After no response from Cels I said, "Ya know, 'IT'S AWESOME BABY!!' (in my best impersonation voice)" She then responded, "OH!! You mean the guy from Jock Jams? That's him?"
I didn't know how to respond...
But that is my luck. I filled out a bracket today and I have not been watching a lot of College Hoops which is not the normal for this time of year for me. But perhaps that will give me a better chance with my bracket...and, it will also give me a good excuse when my predictions are completely wrong.
It's not that I don't want to watch the games, it's actually a passion of mine. Camp has been really busy the past month which is such an amazing thing to be involved with. I do miss being in the know with college hoops, but don't miss it enough to take time away from the great things that have been going on at Camp Elim.
We wrapped up the last of our 3 winter camps that we run 2 weekends ago and looking back on it, it's hard to believe that it's already been 5 weeks since we started them. It was a privelage to be a part of kids lives being changed. There were a few kids that dedicated or rededicated their lives to Christ, and that is priceless. Someone once said, "Even if one individual is affected, it's monumental with an unusual perspective, that's beautiful in essence." That's exactly how I feel with the work that I'm doing here at Camp.
On another note, I got a birthday card from my Great Aunt and Uncle, along with others. But they said that the snow was pretty much gone and it was turning into spring back in Iowa...this made me a wee bit jealous. Not that I personally know, but everyone says that March and April are the biggest snow months here in Colorado....which means I can't wait until May. I love snow...until January, then I'm ready for the days of heat.
Because of this Celsey and I are very excited to go back to Iowa for a quick visit in a week. We are taking a few students to Discover Emmaus Weekend in Dubuque, and are praying and hoping for sunny weather, so we can roll in the soft green grass. Here in Colorado, Celsey has been vacuuming more than she's ever wanted to trying to keep the mud and dirt out of our house. We are grateful for a small cabin...even more now (less vacuuming...and easier to clean ;)
If you could keep us in your prayers as we travel next weekend, that would be awesome. Also pray for this summer for the campers and for the staff that is coming to work and give their time to serve. Celsey is also trying to take classes without being charged out of state tuition, so pray that they will approve her residency petition. Most importantly, if you could pray for me and Celsey's relationship with each other, as we learn what it means to be a husband and wife the way God has intended it to be.
We miss and love you all.
Jess and Celsey
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Homeward Bound
Jess and I have loved the first few months of marriage together. We especially love living in our little cabin at Camp Elim, in Colorado. Lately, we have thought about extending our little family. We would LOVE to get a dog.
Jess had a dog that lives with his parents named Mo-mo. He LOVES this dog. I grew up with golden retrievers. My mom and dad would breed our dogs almost every springtime. It was such a fun treat to grow up with puppies all the time. This being said, with such a dog background we always talk about getting a dog.
If we could have our pick, we would get a chocolate or black lab and name him Kinnick. Of course, we love the Hawkeyes, so we would need to name our dog with a Hawkeye themed name. I mean we had a black and gold wedding, it seems like we are committed to this theme now J Also, since we are slightly committed to this theme I would much prefer to names our animals with a Hawkeye theme instead of our children. Kinnick is the name of the football stadium for the Hawkeyes.
The main reason we haven’t gotten a dog at this point is, well, where would we put him? We love our cabin… but it is small. I mean 15x15 approximately and some of that space is a bathroom. We can’t have it outside because we have a little problem called BEARS.
So, with such a pressing desire to have a dog, but knowing it just wouldn’t be a wise choice at this point, we spend a lot of time “ooh”ing and “ah”ing at puppies we meet and see on T.V. Jess is a little more vocal about this desire to have a dog, so I had him watch the movie “Marley and Me”
We loved the movie, especially the parts at the beginning with Marley as a puppy. We also did realize through this movie that a dog would be a TON of responsibility. We do want one, but with the size of our home and then watching this movie our yearning for a dog has been settled for the time being. We may resort to getting a fish.
But, we turned on our T.V. last week and the movie “Homeward Bound” was on the Disney channel. There was only about half of the movie left and I sheepishly asked Jess if we could watch it. (I was slightly embarrassed for wanting to watch a Disney movie with no children present) But, his face lit up when I asked. We spent the rest of the night watching the movie and surprisingly- we could quote the majority of it. We caught ourselves quoting the movie to each other Saturday night before we went to bed.
“Don’t be a sissy, Sassy!”
“Home is just over those mountains.”
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Wedding Pics!

Jess chillin' before the ceremony.

This is the Huber family now. They went from 4 to 6 in a matter of 2 months.

All of these pics were taken by Ryan Thompson and you could see more of our pictures and even order them from the website by going to his gallery at find our gallery in the Wedding area and our password is h**r. We were so thrilled with that day and the pictures that Ryan took.
Sorry it's been so long since we've posted. We had a fabulous time in Iowa for Christmas and have been getting back into the groove of normal life.
Lately, Jess has started up with helping serve the guest groups that come to the camp. You should see his schedule... it fills up fast. He is working on some videos and other preparations for the upcoming Winter Camps. We're both currently trying to get involved in a small group at a church. We will hopefully be meeting with other young married couples in Colorado Springs.
Next week, we will be back in Iowa for a short weekend for Jess to promote the camp at Emmaus Bible College and their Christian Ministries Seminar. Of course we will be able to stop by and see our new nephew born on January 11 this year. Colton James Sabin!!! We were sooooooo hoping Jenna (my sister) would have him while we were home for Christmas, but he apparently needed a little more time...:( So, we are eager to meet this little one as well as hanging out with the other nieces and nephews. I have just been busy working at the school and trying to get everything in order to go back to school soon.(please pray the everything comes together smoothly)
Stay tuned because we are working on putting a video on here with a tour of our cabin and other things here in Colorado!
Love always- Celsey